Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Plane thinking

The flight to Beijing was about 13 hours from San Francisco. On the way out, we made the flight by about 3 minutes. I think we were the last two guys on the plane. On the way back home, we missed a connection by about 3 minutes, causing a delay in returning to Omaha by about 4 hours. Funny how 3 minutes can make you feel awesome, or unbelievably perturbed. Thankful I don't fly regularly for a living.

On the flight, I looked around and asked myself, if this airplane were filled proportionately with the different nationalities of the world, what would it look like? One in seven seats would be filled with a Chinese person. About 1 in 10 with someone who is Indian. 1 in 40 would be American? I felt a bit sad that until that moment, I really didn't have either a Chinese or Indian friend.

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