Monday, June 30, 2008

Why I Love Pastor Mark (Part I)

I was tentative about this discussion with Pastor Mark. I knew that my life was going to be significantly different, one way or another, after the meeting. But I want you to hear the heart of Pastor Mark.

Phil: “Mark, I believe God is asking me to explore the possibility of starting a new church in the Omaha area somewhere. So I would like to ask your permission to talk to our District, to see if they have any desire to see something like this happen. What do you think?”

Mark: “Phil, this city needs more churches. If God is calling you to plant a church, then plant it. And I don’t care where you plant it. Even if God calls you to plant a church in Old Mill, then by all means do it.”

I probably don’t need to tell you that a lesser man may have had issues with it. A lesser man may have been protective. But CCC has a great pastor with a huge heart for the Kingdom of God.

The next day I called the District Superintendant, Randy Burg, and set up a meeting. He was enthusiastic about the idea, and sent me off to research some areas. The two areas we thought about were the North Central part of town, where I currently live, and also the southwest corridor of Omaha, which is the fastest growing area of the state. The ball officially began to roll.

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