Sunday, June 29, 2008

The First Chapter of the Next Chapter

So how does this all begin? How does the first chapter of the next chapter start?

After ten years of loving life at Christ Community Church, it took a few months for the Lord to work on me before I figured out what God was doing. The fact is that I could have easily stayed at CCC for the rest of my life. But the deal is that God moves us when he wants.

It took a few months for me to recognize what God was doing. Part of my problem was my inability to differentiate CCC from the City of Omaha. And so I lived in this weird sense of turmoil, feeling a sense of release from CCC, but also feeling a sense of calling to the Omaha area. Normally, when a pastor leaves a church, he often ends up moving to another city. So I couldn't reconcile my sense that God was calling me out of CCC but at the same time telling me to stay in Omaha.

I lived in this inner turmoil for a few months. so I'll stop writing and start the next chapter of the next chapter

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