Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Meet Josh and Sebina

Josh is the pastor of Victory Church. Such a great guy! In 2010, Journey is going to partner with Victory Church in three ways.

1. Pastor to Pastor. Josh and I are going to continue our relationship with each other. We can learn from one another by what od is doing in our churches.
2. Church to church - One time a month we're going to write a letter to each other about what God is doing in our churches. He can share with his church our letter, and we will share with Journey the letter he writes us. Our hope is we will be encouraged to see that through Christ our churches have more commonalities than differences.
3. If God should provide the opportunity, we'd like to send a group to Beijing, and receive a group from Beijing, once in 2010.

Take a minute to hear about Josh in this video.

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