Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prayer Meetings

We have had two prayer meetings for Journey church so far, with plans to have one every two weeks.  I've got to tell you, they've been great.  What an encouragement to pray with a dozen or so people all in one accord - that God would begin a new church to help disconnected people connect with God.  

It reminds me of doing a house project.  If you're painting, there is all kinds of prework you have to do, from choosing colors to setting up the drop cloths.  But there is nothing as fulfilling as rolling that first bit of paint on the wall.

To me, praying is like putting the paint on the wall.  We're working hard getting things lined up for Journey Church to launch, but praying together actually feels like we're accomplishing something!       

The next prayer time is scheduled for Monday night Sept. 22nd at the Warren's.  Shoot me an email if you're interested in attending... and even if you can't come, please keep praying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by! It is exciting that Gretna has so many church plants these days.