Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Now what?

Jody and I have just returned from three weeks away. We spent two weeks in Hawaii celebrating Jody's parents 40th wedding anniversary. What an amazing couple. And what an amazing family reunion. The we spent a week at the Okoboji Bible Conference, ministering to middle schoolers (and enjoying every minute of it!)

So we return rested and ready. What's next? Our plan is to enlist support from as many of our friends as possible. Tonight Jody and I perused the Christ Community address book, circling friends we've made over the past ten years. What a fun time remembering all the people we've had the pleasure of ministering with, and to, these past few years!

Soon we will mail each of these folks a letter, letting them know we'll be inviting them to attend an informational party to learn more about how people can support us, if they are so led. We'll host as many meetings as it takes to get the word out. See, the deal is that no church is started by one person, or one fmaily. It takes MANY people to begin a church. People who will pray; people who will serve; people who can give. So we're getting ready to get the word out. God is on the move! We hope many of our friends will be a part of it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have allowed the Lord to work on you to shine HIM on all that you do. your statements are amazing and a testimony of the love that you allow HIM to have in your life. HE wants you as the leader of Journey. I know a man that has been involved in Teen Challenge, Christ Life Solution and loves HIM with his whole heart, mind and soul and wants to help. 2 teens that know you and want to be involved they have served in children's ministry, music, nursery and both have told their friends and there is a lot of excitement. the Journey Church is an answer to many prayers and is an exciting way for HIM to work--HE is working through you Pastor Phil it is awesome!<3,
<)))<.I pray for HIS blessings upon you and your family for great health,energy,and meeting the needs to accomplish HIS work.